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Magical moments.

Here are a few magical moments from Stephanie & Brian’s wedding day. I cannot express in words the gratitude and warmth that I feel for this couple. Stephanie & Brian first met with me and subsequently hired me while I was still dealing with my inner ear issues and vertigo. Even though their wedding was a few months away I had no idea whether I would be healthy for it (I am still so jubilant and grateful that I am healed!). When they said they wanted to book me I replied that I totally appreciated their support and confidence but that this was their wedding and if they wanted to hire someone else I would completely understand. They told me that nothing is guaranteed in life. They could hire someone else and something could happen to them. They wanted to hire the person that they wanted the most. They wanted to hire me. I cried. Ok I waited until after the meeting and then I cried. I was so touched by their compassion and insistence. And the story gets better. Stephanie is an Athletic Therapist and she practices cranio-sacral techniques ( which can help ease vertigo). Stephanie not only supported and believed in me but she also helped heal me. Yes, she is that awesome. Yes, her husband Brian is that awesome. Yes, this couple is pure greatness. I love you guys. xoxo

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