
Magical moments.

Here are a few magical moments from Stephanie & Brian’s wedding day. I cannot express in words the gratitude and warmth that I feel for this couple. Stephanie & Brian first met with me and subsequently hired me while I was still dealing with my inner ear issues and vertigo. Even though their wedding was a few months away I had no idea whether I would be healthy for it (I am still so jubilant and grateful that I am healed!). When they said they wanted to book me I replied that I totally appreciated their support and confidence but…

Stephanie & Blake

I met up with Stephanie & Blake at the Roundhouse a couple weeks ago for a wedding portrait session. It was evident right away that in marrying each other, they were marrying their best friend. Their serenity in each other’s company made photographing them a treat. Here’s to a lifetime of love and memories.

Lovely Lilie

This is part one of a two part series for this scrumptious family. They are avid surfers so part two is going to involve sand, surf and snuggles but we wanted to get some images of the first days at home too. There is something so special about those first couple of weeks of settling in as a family. You enter a cocoon and your entire world exists within the four walls of your house. Hours pass just staring at your baby and nothing feels so rewarding. And the love. Oh the love.

A stitch in time.

This was a really fun and dear shoot for me. Brianna’s grandmother is an incredibly talented knitter and has made gorgeous sweaters for all the new arrivals in her and her daughters’ lives over the last many years. I was so touched to receive one when my Ella was born. Hand-made gifts are always the most precious and I think of the creators everytime I use them. When I heard that Brianna was on the way I asked if Mrs.Fathers would half knit a blanket so we could do a shoot around it and honour all that she has done…

Morning at the Track.

I was in Vancouver on Tuesday and thought I’d stop by the track to say hi to a friend and to get some shots of the horses as training begins.  Some of the horses were pretty wild getting back out there!  I can’t wait to go back in April when the races start. So much fun!  I really miss working with horses. It was nice to be around them again, even if it was watching them from afar 😉

Beauty at the Base Lounge.

I had contacted Alice at the Base Lounge to see if I could rent their gorgeous space for a photo shoot. We worked out the details and Alice asked if I would photograph her family when I was done with the first shoot. Alice is lovely and radiates health and well-being. I was excited about the opportunity to meet and photograph her family. On the day, the natural light poured in and the family magic began 😉


I want to start with a great big thanks to Atomique for putting on such great shows and making the Victoria music scene what it is. I went down to the Save-On Foods Memorial Centre last night to photograph the Metric show. It was great to finally see them live (well, the first three songs anyway). The difference between shooting musicians in the dawn of their career and those that are really well known is access (obviously). I adore shooting the smaller gigs as you have a lot of freedom to roam, time to get into the groove and, in…