Headshots with Lizzy

What an incredible shoot it was with Keira & Tegan. So much love and laughter. The light was beautiful as the sun headed towards the horizon on this hot summer evening. I feel so fortunate when I get to photograph the raw and vibrant love that exists between a parent and child. Thank you, Keira & Tegan, for allowing me into your wondrous world and for the beer on the sun-kissed deck afterwards 😉
I met up with Stephanie & Blake at the Roundhouse a couple weeks ago for a wedding portrait session. It was evident right away that in marrying each other, they were marrying their best friend. Their serenity in each other’s company made photographing them a treat. Here’s to a lifetime of love and memories.
Here is a “quick” sneak peek of Theresa and Witek’s wedding on Pender Island. It was so hard to pick just a few as this was such a gorgeous and unique wedding. Not only were the bride and groom stunning but the setting was brilliant as well. Theresa’s family has been on Pender since the late 1800’s (I love that!). Her father used to fly Theresa in his airplane and land on the private airfield seen in some of the photos below. I loved that the backdrop of their wedding had such personal history and meaning to them. Theresa &…
On my way home from the cob building workshop on Salt Spring Island, Ella and I took a detour to Sacred Mountain Lavender Farm. Sadly, we were missing the lavender festival by two days but I thought we should still take the opportunity to go by the farm. It was soooooooo worth it. The lavender was GORGEOUS! Oh, the heavenly smell! The farm is a fabulous working demonstration farm where they encourage you to get in there and experience it. I think it is so important these days, with the prevalence of the disconnect between our plates and the farmers,…
It was so moving being up at the rally in Prince Rupert and seeing community come together with such solidarity against the Enbridge pipeline. Many remote and coastal communities depend directly on the lands and waters for their food, livelihood, and cultural practices. If there was a spill in the area, it would not just be an inconvenience, it would completely desecrate the way of life for thousands of people, not to mention sealife and wildlife. In opposing the pipeline, these communities are fighting for their lives. One of the reasons I feel so strongly about getting personally involved as…
I was in Vancouver on Tuesday and thought I’d stop by the track to say hi to a friend and to get some shots of the horses as training begins. Some of the horses were pretty wild getting back out there! I can’t wait to go back in April when the races start. So much fun! I really miss working with horses. It was nice to be around them again, even if it was watching them from afar 😉