Gitga’at Rally to protest the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline.

It was so moving being up at the rally in Prince Rupert and seeing community come together with such solidarity against the Enbridge pipeline. Many remote and coastal communities depend directly on the lands and waters for their food, livelihood, and cultural practices. If there was a spill in the area, it would not just be an inconvenience, it would completely desecrate the way of life for thousands of people, not to mention sealife and wildlife. In opposing the pipeline, these communities are fighting for their lives.

One of the reasons I feel so strongly about getting personally involved as a photographer in this issue is the inequality in financial capacities of the opposing sides. On the “for” side we have oil and gas and the majority government. They’ve got a few dollars to throw around. They can pay for primetime ads. They’ve got their voice covered. It is the other side that I worry is being underrepresented.  The other side doesn’t have a media budget. They just have a lot of passionate people that are willing to fight for what they believe is right. So it will take tenacity, ingenuity, strength, intelligence, communication, sharing, and lots of other good stuff for us to get to a point of open educated debate on these issues.

Most major media didn’t go up to Prince Rupert for the rally. Too remote? Too expensive to go? Not newsworthy? I can only speculate. What I do know is that it was the most powerful display of civil society I have seen in a long while. I personally believe that needs to be seen, to be shared, and to be considered during the pipeline decision.

If you would like more information on the pipeline and its implications here are some great links:

Dogwood Initiative

Pembina Institute


Humans are incredibly intelligent, innovative creatures. We have options. The pipeline is not the only option that could provide jobs and economic growth.

If you think this side of the debate needs more air time, please share.














































I took a video of the drumming and dancing on my iphone (that doesn’t do it justice at all!) that you can check out here.


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  1. Fabulous coverage of such an important event.
    It isn’t a matter of If there is a spill it is when.
    I grew up in Bella Coola and there is no room for
    Tankers anywhere on any of OUR coast.
    Thanks for being there

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