
Mighty Quinn

I am 100% completely in love with the name Quinn, and here the name couldn’t be attached to a more perfect baby. For the record, Quinn was on my name list for my own child but my husband vetoed it so I’m thrilled that it lives on in another close to me! I love watching young children interact with their new baby siblings. These times are so precious. My heart melted at the photo below where Owen is counting Quinn’s toes. So cute! The table that Quinn is on in the latter pictures was made by her grandfather. It holds…

Fall Family Photos

I totally adore shooting children and families. The love and playfulness is so inspiring and I always feel so privileged to be there capturing it “on film”. I have to admit this is one of my favorite families as the boys are sweet and stunning and their obvious love for each other is so stinkin’ adorable! Here are some images from our recent shoot in the park.