Salt Spring Island

Sacred Mountain Lavender Farm

On my way home from the cob building workshop on Salt Spring Island, Ella and I took a detour to Sacred Mountain Lavender Farm. Sadly, we were missing the lavender festival by two days but I thought we should still take the opportunity to go by the farm. It was soooooooo worth it. The lavender was GORGEOUS! Oh, the heavenly smell! The farm is a fabulous working demonstration farm where they encourage you to get in there and experience it. I think it is so important these days, with the prevalence of the disconnect between our plates and the farmers,…

Mud Girls Cob Building Workshop

I spent an incredible week on Salt Spring Island at a Mud Girls Cob Building Workshop. The Mud Girls are about promoting and enabling the construction of natural building (mostly cob) affordably. A group of about twenty of us came together to live as a community for a week and build a cob cabin. We all camped in a beautiful apple orchard, swam/bathed in the pond, and were treated to three delicious organic meals a day (the chefs were brilliant! mmmmm). In return, we worked our butts off…literally! They were long, hot, hard days but so rewarding! One of the…