
Victoria, BC – Anti-Enbridge Rally

A large anti-Enbridge rally against the Northern Gateway Pipeline happened in Victoria last Sunday. Hundreds turned out to the Legislature lawns before taking to the streets to march to Centennial Square. Once at the square, there was an afternoon full of workshops and panel discussions related to the environment, the energy sector, and effective ways to get involved in the debate. Here are some images from the day:

Bella Bella rally against Enbridge pipeline.

I flew to Bella Bella yesterday to witness and photograph the Joint Review Panel Hearings being held there for Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipeline. Sharing my flight were the panel members as well as Heiltsuk’s high ranking Chief Woyala. The community came to the airport to greet their chief and to stand in solidarity against the pipeline. The demonstration was powerful, respectful, and peaceful. The panel members were taken in a van from the airport into town and over to a resort called Shearwater.  The rest of us walked into town where there was a feast, speeches, and dancing. The afternoon was a moving…

Beautiful & Brilliant Bif.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Bif Naked up at the Prince Rupert rally. I had never seen her live before. She has a casual and intimate air about her that made it feel like she was playing for us in her living room. For someone that has had to face some major challenges in her life, it is apparent that she rolls with the punches and comes out smiling. I will definitely try to catch her show again.