Ice Watch Paris during COP21

Ice Watch Paris.
Jet lag had me wandering the streets of Paris last night in the wee hours of the morning. I had heard rumors of an Arctic ice installation somewhere in Paris but I wasn’t sure where it was. As I rounded the corner to Place du Panthéon I almost started to cry. That is not the reaction I was expecting to have but the giant pieces of Arctic ice were so beautiful that they literally took my breath away. Two things made the experience extra moving. One, was that it was the middle of the night so I was fortunate enough to be able to experience them in solitude. And two, they were backlit by floodlights so you could see all the intricate layers of detail throughout the ice that you may lose out on in the broad daylight. The installation was a collaboration between artist Olafur Eliasson and scientist Minik Rosing. They harvested the 80 tons of glacier ice from Greenland and brought them into Paris during COP21 to melt to highlight the ongoing effects of climate change and global warming. For more information on the project you can go to